Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Flying By

Things are always flying by my house.  The Bald Eagles are a daily occurrence lately and the other day there were two. They both landed on the same branch in my tree and sat there for a good five minutes.  They were amazing!  Yesterday a seaplane went by on three different trips.  It took off right in front of my street and then touched down in the water in front of my house.  Very cool.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Cute Craft

My neighbor Joan made this cute mini banner for a Happy Spring.  She stamped the letters and sewed the paper together.  I have it hanging by my calendar.  Joan is very talented and makes them for all occasions and can customize one for you too.  If you want more information go to her blog, September Tea, at


Yellow is everywhere right now on the island.  Forsythia and Daffodils are on every street and around every corner.  Forsythia!  I love saying that name.  Forsythia! 

My husband Randy told me that the song Yellow by Coldplay reminded him of me.  It's a happy song and so as I drive around and see the Forsythia and Daffodils,  I think of the song which makes me think of Randy.

And speaking of yellow...dandelions are springing up everywhere now too.  I dislike those flowers because they spread everywhere where I don't want them, like in my lawn.  They are my nemesis.

Tulips are due to bloom very soon.  I have some in my yard and I'm going to the Tulip Festival in Skagit County.  Can't wait!