Wednesday, March 23, 2011


On Saturday my island friend Joan (my mom's name) took me to this great Flea Market here on Bainbridge Island hosted by SEABOLD VINTAGE MARKET and featuring BARN HOUSE.  It was a beautiful sunny day which is great for business.

I bought an old dairy bottle from Puyallup Dairy and two heart shaped things. A cookie cutter and little aluminum tin. I collect hearts.  Heart shaped rocks mostly.  Turns out Joan collects heart shaped rocks too.

The RED VELVET CUPCAKES were to die for!  (I admit it, I had two).  I also had a CAKE BITE and a BROWNIE ON A STICK!  Thank you! Sooooo delicious!  And they were FREE! 

There were also FOUR FREE ITEMS if you were one of the lucky ones who found them.  See the SEABOLD blog for the winners.  I really wanted that blue bowl!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Just When is Spring?

My whole life I was told that March 21st was the First Day of Spring. I was told this by my mother whose birthday just happened to be March 21st.

So for years now I have noticed that the "news" and calendars say that the first day of spring is March 20.  How could this be?  My mom would firmly dispute this and I think she would roll over in her grave (well she's cremated so that can't happen) if she knew the first day of spring wasn't the 21st.  Or is it?

Turns out it changes.  Who knew?  It seemed like "they" just tried to slip that one by us.

How does this happen?  Basically it has to do with the Vernal Equinox which actually out of 100 years has only landed on March 21st 36 times.  From 1981 to 2102 Americans will only celebrate it on March 20 except in 2016 it will start on March 19.

It all has to do with 12 hours of sunlight and 12 hours of darkness, the north pole and the south pole and Tropic of Cancer and Capricorn.  Simply put it can be quite complicated and you might have to be a rocket scientist or an astronomer to figure it out.

The point is that for me my mom was right (aren't they always?).  Her birthday was the First Day of Spring, sometimes.  Who knew the dates could change.

Which brings me to Easter...well that will be another post. 

Happy Birthday Mom!  Happy Spring Everyone!